What is the Age Requirement for iFLY Indoor Skydiving?

Having an indoor facility where people can experience the free-falling sensation of skydiving without actually jumping out of a plane is great! What’s even more is that iFLY allows people under 18 to participate. However, they do have an age requirement.

Flyers at iFLY must be between the ages of 3 and 103 at all locations within the United States. Other sites based outside of the USA set their own age requirement for their facilities. Keep in mind that all individuals should also meet the height and weight requirements.

Below, we’ll break down the age requirement a bit more so you can figure out whether iFLY is a good fit for you and your family!

Does iFLY Have a Height Requirement?

The only iFLY location that has a height restriction is in Paramus. At this location, you must be at least 40” tall. They will not make any exceptions if you do not meet the height requirement.

Does iFLY Have a Minimum Weight Requirement?

There are no weight minimums at iFly locations, just the age minimum of 3 years old. However, you will need to fit into the gear provided for safety reasons or someone really small may not be able to go. You can read more about the iFly weight limits and requirements in our detailed guide here.

Why Does iFLY Have an Age Requirement?

Anyone wishing to fly with iFly must be between the ages of 3 and 103. However, they also need to meet the weight and height requirements.

For example, if your child is 3 years old, at least 40 inches tall, and fit into the gear, they will be able to fly as long as their parent or guardian signs the waiver and attends the safety course with them.

Is the iFly Age Requirement the Same in All Their Locations Across the World?

The iFLY age requirement changes depending on the location. In the USA and Canada, the minimum age requirement is 3, while in Paris, they require the child to be 5. Just call ahead or visit the local website FAQs to find our the age requirements.

Is iFLY Indoor Skydiving Dangerous for Children?

iFLY is generally safe for children; however, that’s not to say that it is entirely risk-free, which is why parents must sign a waiver just in case.

As with any sport, injuries can happen. This is why it’s essential that children pay attention during the safety training and that they’re flexible and have no previous injuries to their shoulders or back.

Read our related post “Is iFly Indoor Skydiving Safe? (iFly Safety Guide)” here to learn all about iFly safety.

Does iFLY Have an Age Limit?

The age limit at iFLY is 103 in the USA. However, different countries may have a different age limit. It’s best to call the facility you plan to fly at and ask about the age limitations.

Any flyer with flexibility problems, who wears prosthetics, or who has shoulder and back issues should not fly. Existing conditions increase the risk of re-injury.

It is best to contact your doctor before indoor skydiving if you have any conditions or if you feel it may be a danger to your health. It is always better safe than sorry.

Read Our Related Guide: How Much Is iFLY Indoor Skydiving Per Person?

Final Thoughts

iFLY is an excellent alternative for anyone who wants to experience skydiving without jumping out of an airplane.

All locations in the United States allow individuals between the ages of 3 and 103 to fly at their facilities. Anywhere outside the USA may not have the exact age requirements, so it’s best to contact them before booking your tickets.

Enjoy your next indoor skydiving adventure!

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