How Much Is iFLY Indoor Skydiving Per Person?

iFly is a newer thrilling indoor skydiving experience that is available in many major cities around the US. These facilities simulate the feeling of soaring through the air without being thousands of feet above the Earth! This is a safe yet exciting activity for any thrill seeker, but how much does this experience cost?

Prices at iFLY may vary. A person who takes two trips at iFLY will pay $100 for the experience. Or you can pay $180 for 5 flights and save 25% per flight. Additionally, first responders, Military members, teachers, and healthcare workers will receive 20% off of weekday flights.

Let us dive into some of the packages that iFLY offers! Maybe you truly can afford to splurge a bit on an exciting adventure while still saving money! Let’s go.

Does iFLY Offer Different Packages?

There are many packages to choose from at iFLY to satisfy even the most adventurous thrill-seekers! The packages begin at $100 for two flights for a single person and work their way up to $180 for five flights.

Additionally, they have a group package that makes the experience cheaper. Below is a chart reflecting the packages and pricing breakdowns:

Package Price Perks Included
2 Flights $99.99
  • Gear Rental
  • Training
  • 1-on-1 Instruction
  • Personalized Certificate
3 Flights $124.99
  • Gear Rental
  • Training
  • 1-on-1 Instruction
  • Personalized Certificate
  • 15% Savings per Flight
4 Flights $154.99
  • Gear Rental
  • Training
  • 1-on-1 Instruction
  • Personalized Certificate
  • 20% Savings per Flight
5 Flights $179.99
  • Gear Rental
  • Training
  • 1-on-1 Instruction
  • Personalized Certificate
  • 25% Savings per Flight
10 Flights $419.74
  • Gear Rental
  • Training
  • 1-on-1 Instruction
  • Personalized Certificate
  • 15% Savings per Flight
  • 10 flights for 1-5 people
  • 5 Video Clips Included


Does iFLY Offer Any Discounts?

iFLY offers regular seasonal discounts for events such as Black Friday or summer sales! If you are looking to have a birthday here, you can get a 15% discount for events of 6 or more people.

Also, teachers, military, first responders, and health care professionals are all given a 20% with their ID, but only during weekdays.

Flyers & Events Discount
First Responders, Military, Teachers, & Health Care Professionals 20% off of weekday flights
Birthdays/Events 15% on group packages (6+ people)
Holiday Sales Varies on season, usually 10% off


Are iFLY Kids, Adults, and Senior Tickets All the Same Price?

No matter your age, the iFLY experience is the same price for everyone. There are no discounted prices for younger or older flyers, as everyone from 3 years to 103 can fly at the same rate!

Since flying includes gear, training, and the actual flight, all tickets must be the same price.

Learn if iFLY indoor skydiving has a weight limit in this guide or if there is an iFly age requirement here in this guide.

How Long Does an iFLY Session Last?

iFLY experiences are thrilling and one of a kind, but they only last for a while. A single flight is 60 seconds, whereas a double flight is 120. iFLY says that this may seem short but feels a lot longer when you are experiencing it.

Read our related but more detailed post “How Long Are iFLY Flights?” here.

Can You Book Private iFLY Sessions?

Each iFLY experience includes training and 1-on-1 instruction, but you will usually be around other flyers while you go through these steps.

Unless you book a party or have a large group, you might be around other flyers. iFLY does not have a private session option, but if you come in with a large group, you will likely be alone.

Does iFLY Feel the Same as Skydiving?

iFLY does and does not feel the same as actual skydiving; it is a unique experience. The wind tube they use simulates the free-fall portion of skydiving but not the parachuting part.

Although this is a close second, there is no accurate comparison to jumping out of a real plane! Plus, you don’t get the experience of being in the plane, being strapped to your instructor, and more. But that’s okay! You can get the free fall experience without the height factor.

Learn how much real skydiving costs here. 

Can You Buy Gear or Souvenirs at iFLY Locations?

You are not able to buy gear or souvenirs at iFLY locations. They do not have a traditional gift shop, but you can purchase photos and videos from your experience. As for cool helmets and iFLY trinkets, you will be out of luck.

However, with a simple Google search, there are some shirts, and hoodies you can find at different websites that represent iFLY. These items are not made from the company themselves, so purchase at your own risk.

Does iFLY Indoor Skydiving Offer Food and Drink?

There is no food or drinks sold at most iFLY locations. They focus solely on the skydiving experiences and capturing the memories of your time there.

If you book a birthday party at iFLY, you do have the choice to order pizza to the facility. But, food is not a common amenity.

Additionally, some online packages will take you to iFLY and then to dinner, but the food is not hosted by iFLY. These can mainly be found on Groupon.

Is iFLY Worth the Money?

If you are a mild thrill seeker who has always wanted to skydive but never wanted to be pushed out of a plane, iFLY is probably worth it.

Many people are caught off guard by the short flight time you get for the hefty price, but it is a very similar experience to actual sky diving in terms of free fall time. But if you want to make every dollar count, it will undoubtedly be an expensive 60 seconds.

Read our related post “Is iFly Indoor Skydiving Safe? (iFly Safety Guide)” here to learn all about iFly safety.

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