Does iFLY Indoor Skydiving Have a Weight Limit?

Indoor skydiving is a fantastic concept; experience what it’s like to freefall without jumping out of a plane. However, even though it’s safer than skydiving, there are still some limitations and restrictions regarding the sport. Does iFly indoor skydiving have a weight limit?

Yes, iFLY has a weight limit, anyone over 300lbs will not be allowed to indoor skydive. People who weigh between 250 and 300 lbs may not be allowed either, this really depends on your body shape and physical fitness level. Weight limits are set for the safety of instructors and more importantly customers.  

Keep in mind that weight limits may differ based on location, employees’ capabilities, and other reasons. Always be sure to call your iFly destination of interest before booking, especially if you are 250 lbs or more.

If this restriction is confusing to you, don’t worry! Below, we break it down further so you can understand more about the limits and whether you are qualified to fly.

Do You Have to Weigh Yourself at iFLY?

If you are new to the iFLY location, you will get weighed by one of the staff members. Usually, the weight will show up on a computer screen so that no one has to say your numbers out loud.

However, if you are a frequent visitor to that location, you will likely only be weighed initially.

Does iFLY Indoor Skydiving Have a Height Limit?

Most iFLY locations do not have a minimum height requirement for indoor skydiving, however, some locations such as iFLY Paramus require their flyers to be 40 inches tall. While there may be a minimum height requirement, there is no maximum height limit at iFly locations.

There are age requirements and at most iFly locations the minimum age is 3 years old. Anyone under the age of 18 requires a parent/guardian signature to sign the waiver before flying. Read more about age restrictions in our iFly age guide here.

Are iFLY Weight Limits the Same in All iFLY Locations Worldwide?

The weight limit is different across all iFLY locations worldwide. Even within the USA, you may find places with a limit of 250 lbs, while others have limits of 275 or even 300 lbs.

Some locations can fly you if you are over 275 but under 300. It is best to call the facility and let them know so they can prepare adequately.

At Canada iFly locations the weight limit is 300lbs.

It’s best to check the iFLY location where you plan to fly to see their weight limitations. That way, you’re not side-blinded when you go!

Find Out Here: How Much Is iFLY Indoor Skydiving Per Person?

Why Are There Weight Limits for Indoor Skydiving?

Understandably, there are weight limits for regular skydiving, but you might be wondering why there are weight limits for indoor skydiving.

The limits in place are based on aerodynamics; it highly depends on the individual, their biological sex, and their center of gravity.

People over the weight limit will not be able to fly as the weight will keep them from generating enough lift.

But more importantly, there are potential dangers when weight limits are surpassed when indoor skydiving. The instructor who is helping you fly must be able to control you, and if they can’t you could have a serious wipeout causing injury to yourself or the instructor.

Should You Be Fit to Participate in Indoor Skydiving at iFLY?

While you don’t have to be an extreme athlete to participate at any iFLY location, you should still be in decent physical shape. I mean that you should be flexible and have no significant injuries or heart problems when flying.

Being able to hold up your body in a new position may be difficult for some people, if you do get tired quickly you could fall and hurt yourself. This is just something to be careful of, but an instructor does help with your positioning.

Knowing how long an iFLY flight is may help you to understand why you need to be fit, that’s why we have a full guide about iFLY flight times here.

Can You Fly at iFLY if You Are Pregnant?

If you are pregnant, you cannot fly at iFLY, as this can put you or your baby at risk. The experience is slightly risky in and of itself, and putting a pregnant woman into a wind tunnel screams trouble.

Although, pregnant women are allowed to enroll their children for their flights and take the safety course with them!

Read our related post “Is iFly Indoor Skydiving Safe? (iFly Safety Guide)” here to learn all about iFly safety.

Does iFLY Have Minimum Weight Requirements?

iFly locations do not have minimum weight requirements, you just need to be 3 years of age and properly fit into their safety gear. Read more about age requirements for iFly here.

Final Thoughts?

You may be a bit discouraged to know that iFLY does have weight limits; however, they are much more flexible with their limits than actual skydiving facilities are, as you can read more about in our skydiving weight limit guide here.

Although, please remember if you’re pregnant, over the weight limit, don’t meet the age requirement, you may not be able to participate at iFly indoor skydiving.

Interested in skydiving? You may find our 25 Activities Like Skydiving for Adrenaline Junkies interesting, check it out!

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