What To Eat Before Skydiving (The Ultimate Guide)

Skydiving, although fun, can be an extremely confusing venture due to the various bits of information on the internet about what you should or shouldn’t eat, how to prepare, and more. While some believe not eating before your jump will keep vomiting or nausea at bay, this could not be further from the truth. So, then what should you eat?

The best meal before skydiving is low in sugar and carbs, yet high in protein. You want to keep your blood pressure and blood sugar stable to avoid additional stressors on the body. If you feel sick beforehand, drink a smoothie with protein. Don’t forget the water!

If you’re nervous about eating before skydiving, don’t be! Eating the right foods and staying hydrated will help avoid unpleasant feelings such as nausea, motion sickness, and vomiting.

Should You Eat Before Skydiving?

Before you jump, make sure that you eat correctly. One of the most common reasons why people get sick during or after skydiving is when they eat too much or nothing at all.

The reason people get sick is because not eating can cause vomiting. Ask any instructor who has experienced this, and they will confirm that it is true.

Before you jump, ensure that you eat something that will help keep your body alert and maintain a steady blood sugar level. This is especially important since, during a jump, your body can get stressed out.

If you plan to jump, consider having a bowl of cereal or a protein-rich meal such as eggs. However, if you’re feeling anxious, you might want to avoid solid foods and instead make a smoothie; try adding yogurt and fruit.

When Should You Eat Before Skydiving?

You should eat at least an hour before your skydive. That way, you have something in your stomach while falling through the sky, but it’s also begun the digestion process so that it won’t impede your performance or make you feel sick.

Examples of good foods to eat before skydiving:

  • bacon and eggs
  • breakfast sandwich
  • toast (jam, peanut butter, butter, etc.)
  • fruit/protein smoothie
  • sandwich, subs, pitas
  • oatmeal
  • salad
  • chicken
  • rice
  • yogurt parfait
  • bananas
  • cereal
  • soup
  • crackers and cheese

What Should You Avoid Eating Before Skydiving?

Before you skydive, you should make sure that you do not eat any fried foods or any foods high in sugar or simple carbohydrates. These foods spike your blood sugar, which puts stress on your body.

You want your body in a virtually stress-free mode so that it’s free to enjoy the adrenaline rush and not spend so much time focusing on regulating itself.

You also do not want to consume alcohol 24 hours before or during your jump. Not only does this put yourself and others in danger, but it can also land you in jail, and you will be banned from skydiving as this is a law.

Do Not Overeat!

It’s important to refrain from overeating before a jump to ensure you won’t feel bloated. However, you should still eat a small amount, so your blood sugar is regulated and your stomach feels satisfied.

What Should You Drink Before Skydiving?

drink water before skydive

The best thing to drink before skydiving is, of course, water. But you can also drink Gatorade, Powerade, Body Armor, or a protein-packed smoothie. These things will help you stay hydrated and keep your belly coated for your jump.

Staying Hydrated is Very Important!

Drinking water before jumping is excellent for regulating your blood pressure and blood sugar. Your body wants to keep you safe, and it’s hard to do that if you’re dehydrated.

Staying hydrated will also help with any nausea spikes, dizziness, headaches, or fatigue you may experience before, during, or after your jump.

When flying through the air as high and as fast as you will be, it’s essential to ensure your body is functioning at an optimal level. In order to do that, it needs to be hydrated.

What Should You Not Drink Before Skydiving?

Alcohol, even just a couple of drinks, can dehydrate you before a jump, and it could make you feel sick as you go up. This is why it’s essential to avoid drinking alcohol before your jump.

The USPA, which is an organization that’s under the FAA’s jurisdiction, does not allow the consumption of alcohol before a jump. This goes against federal regulations, and numerous reasons why doing so would be a monumental mistake.

Furthermore, it’s not a good idea to drink any carbonated beverages or sugary drinks as these can lead to bloating and gas. It’s not always possible to burp while freefalling, which can result in a very uncomfortable ride, especially with the chest strap placement of your harness.

Should You Eat or Drink if You Feel Nauseous Before Skydiving?

Eating before a jump is one of the most critical factors you should consider, as it is the fear of being sick that most people have. Many first-time skydivers have avoided eating before a jump to stay healthy and avoid throwing up. However, this is a big mistake.

The experience of skydiving can trigger various chemicals in the body, such as adrenaline, serotonin, and dopamine. Insufficient food to support these chemicals can cause you to feel depleted and nauseated.

The worst part about experiencing stomach-churning feelings is that they occur almost immediately under the parachute. Not only will you feel like you’re not enjoying the views, but you’ll also be praying to the Lord that you don’t vomit.

jumping from plane funny feeling eating before bad or good idea?

Can You Drink Alcohol the Night Before Skydiving?

Drinking alcohol can lead to dehydration, which could be a disaster if you plan on parachuting. In addition, it can make one more prone to experiencing motion sickness.

While it’s not illegal to drink the night before skydiving, I highly recommend that you don’t. This can potentially make it a very miserable experience.

After your skydiving jump feel free to grab a beer or alcoholic beverage with the people you jumped with! It is a great way to celebrate the experience. You can read our guide on what happens and what to do after skydiving here!

Can You Eat While Skydiving?

You cannot eat while skydiving or while riding up to altitude. Not only is it not allowed, but it’s hazardous as there would be no way for anyone to get behind you and perform the Heimlich maneuver properly.

Your food should be consumed before you check in or after you land at your drop zone. If you have diabetes or low blood sugar, you can have a glucose tablet just in case, but you still need to take this before you board the plane.

Final Thoughts

Skydiving is not one of those things where less is more regarding food. However, you want to ensure you’re not over-filling yourself before a skydive.

Always eat something before your journey, even if it’s a smoothie with some protein base. This will help your body to be able to better metabolize your adrenaline and other hormones released during and after your jump.

If you are interested in skydiving you should check out our skydiving articles, you can search skydiving in our search bar or check a few of these articles below: 

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