Skydiving vs BASE Jumping | What’s the Difference?

Skydiving and BASE jumping are often mixed up since they share certain elements; however, they are incredibly different. However, they are related to each other in a way. So, what exactly is the difference between BASE jumping and skydiving?

Skydiving is done by jumping from an aircraft typically from 14,000 to 30,000 feet high, while BASE jumping is done by jumping off skyscrapers and mountains from about 3,000 feet. To be qualified to BASE jump, you need to have at least 200 skydives logged. Skydiving you have 2 parachutes (main+backup), BASE jumping you have one. 

Knowing the difference between skydiving and BASE jumping can be confusing. Therefore, I put this little guide together so that you can best understand everything about each and how they differ.

What is Skydiving?

skydiving jumping from plane

The U.S. Parachuting Association defines the term “skydiving” as an extreme sport involving a parachute. It refers to the act of parachuting from an aircraft.

The terms aircraft and parachute are two critical elements in the field. An aircraft should be a moving vehicle that’s moving through the air. This can be a plane, a helicopter, a paramotor, or a hot-air balloon. The parachute should also be present, though it doesn’t have to be of a particular kind. Instead, it can refer to an old-school number or a modern style.

Tandem skydivers utilize a two-parachute system consisting of a container and a pair of parachutes. The main canopy is used during the jump, while the backup parachute is deployed in case the main one fails.

In most systems, a device known as a failsafe is installed to open the reserve parachute if the main one fails. This feature, which is heavily regulated, dramatically increases the sport’s safety.

What is BASE Jumping?

base jump off cliff platform

The BASE is an acronym for “building, antenna, span, earth.” BASE jumpers commonly use these objects to jump.

BASE jumping takes place at a significantly lower altitude than skydiving. With BASE jumping, you jump from 1,000 to 3,000 feet off a cliff, building, bridge, or some other platform. However, with skydiving, you jump from much higher out of an airplane.

What’s the Main Difference Between Skydiving and BASE Jumping?

The main difference between skydiving and BASE jumping is the altitude at which they do these sports.

With skydiving, you will be jumping from a significantly higher point than if you BASE jump. Again, BASE jumping will occur from 1,000 to 3,000 feet, while skydiving will happen higher up, from a plane.

BASE jumpers utilize a single parachute to jump off objects that are not moving. Skydivers do the same thing, but with a backup and out of a moving airplane, helicopter, or hot air balloon. The open parachute makes it easy to confuse them.

Are Skydivers and BASE Jumpers Parachutes the Same?

Skydivers and BASE jumpers typically use the same types of parachutes; however, it really depends. Those jumping from 1,000 feet will usually use a chute that is quick to deploy and slow down much quicker.

The most common type of parachute used for skydiving today is the ram air parachutes, as they are easier to control and allow a smoother landing. BASE jumpers will also use this type of parachute, however, one difference is the BASE jumpers do not use a “rig” like skydivers, they also do not have an organization approve their gear.

You may see skydivers use round or circle parachutes, these are not common. Military often use these style parachutes when jumping from a plane, they are known as paratroopers.

Do Skydivers and BASE Jumpers Both Carry a Reserve Parachute?

Skydivers carry a reserve parachute, but BASE jumpers do not, as there is no place to put a reserve chute as they do not carry a skydiving rig. 

However, BASE jumpers typically wear wing suits that help them glide on the wind closer to their landing zone, at which they will then deploy their parachute to be able to land.

How High Do Skydivers Jump Compared to BASE Jumpers?

Since BASE jumping involves a static object, it’s usually from a lower altitude. Most of the time, BASE jumpers are between 1,000 and 3,000 feet and have about 15 seconds to deploy their parachute.

On the other hand, skydivers will jump from 14,000 to 30,000 feet high. Sometimes they’ll jump from as low as 9,000 feet.

What Altitude Do Skydivers Open their Parachutes Compared to BASE Jumpers?

Most licensed skydivers will typically deploy at an altitude of around 3,000 feet, and Tandem jumpers generally reach a height of 5,000 to 5,500 feet before pulling their parachutes.

BASE jumpers generally deploy their parachutes at an altitude of around 200 feet. As you can see, this is significantly different.

Read related: How Do Skydivers Know When to Open Their Parachute?

Is Skydiving and BASE Jumping Training the Same?

BASE jumping is different from sky diving because it requires more than an hour of training. This type of training also involves various activities, such as jumping off cliffs, bridges, and other surfaces. Depending on how advanced you are, the training will take weeks.

Skydivers usually have a short training session, which lasts about an hour. During this time, they don’t need to do much else apart from holding their bodies in certain positions as well as how the parachute works.

Are the Restrictions and Requirements Different?

The restrictions and requirements for both BASE jumping and skydiving are similar but different, and BASE jumping is stricter as far as these go. Below, we will take a look at the similarities and differences.

Age Restrictions

Every person who skydives or BASE jumps must be at least 18 years old, with no exceptions. Unfortunately, due to the severity of the risk, there’s no way around this law.


For BASE jumping, as long as you are height and weight proportionate, there are no restrictions for tallness. 

However, for skydiving, if you are shorter than 5’2 or taller than 6’6, this can make tandem skydiving a bit difficult. Although, as long as most facilities are called ahead of time, they can work around this issue.


To BASE jump, you must be under 165 pounds and height weight proportionate as this is a highly physical activity. You have to have core strength, and your body needs to keep up with the action.

For skydiving, you can be up to 280 pounds in some places, but most are cut off at around 230 to 250 pounds. So, make you talk to the facility ahead of time to check for their restrictions.

Is One More Thrilling Than the Other?

Both sports are intense; however, BASE jumping takes the win as the most thrilling as there’s just a whole new element to it than skydiving. 

With skydiving, you leap from a plane and have plenty of time to pull the parachute. However, BASE jumping is more calculated and carries a higher risk. This usually, in turn, affects just how much adrenaline you’ll have pumping through your veins.

Is Skydiving or BASE Jumping More Dangerous?

Although BASE jumping is commonly mistaken for being a type of extreme sport, it is a sport that has you jumping from objects such as buildings, spans, and cliffs. 

Most of the time, these people wear wing suits and are known as BASE jumpers. Compared to parachutists, BASE jumpers are more dangerous because they only have one parachute.

Skydiving and BASE Jumping Safety Statistics

According to a study conducted in Norway, BASE jumping is known to have a higher risk of death or injury than skydiving.

Since 1981, over 300 people have died in various incidents related to this sport. There have been no formal reports on the deaths linked to this activity, and one study estimated a fatality rate of around 1 in 60.

Despite the extreme nature of the sport, which involves thousands of jumps, it is very safe. There have been several fatalities in the past, and the risk of dying skydiving is roughly equal to that of dying after driving a car 500 miles.

The fatality rate for BASE jumping is almost 50 times greater than that of skydiving, and it’s also more dangerous than driving 25,000 miles, and BASE jumping is around 50 times more hazardous than a skydive.

Is Skydiving Landing the Same as BASE Jump Landing?

Unlike other parachutists, wingsuit jumpers don’t need to deploy a parachute to land safely; they need to ensure they have the necessary gear in case they get stranded. If they jump like BASE jumpers, then they don’t need to have a reserve parachute.

However, with skydiving, you will need to pull a parachute, as hitting the ground at 120 miles an hour is not recommended, as the fatality rate would be significantly higher. You will hit at around 13 to 17 miles per hour with a parachute.

Are there More Skydiving Locations than BASE Jumping?

There are not more BASE jumping locations than skydiving, as skydiving is a regulated and recognized sport. BASE jumping is more complicated regarding the ability to do it.

BASE jumping is legal in various countries, but it’s generally not allowed to go off the top of buildings or other structures.

This means that you’ll most likely be breaking the law if you’re not allowed to do so. Although BASE jumpers are generally responsible for their actions, they still get arrested if caught trespassing.

Therefore, you will need to ensure that BASE jumping allows the sport anywhere. Always check the regulations in the area where you want to jump before taking on this endeavor.

Final Thoughts

While skydiving and BASE jumping are directly related, they are very different. To BASE jump, you must be an avid skydiver with at least 200 jumps. If skydiving doesn’t get your adrenaline pumping anymore, then BASE jumping sure will!

Keep in mind that the training is different from these two sports as well. Just because you have had training for skydiving does not mean you’re automatically ready to BASE jump!

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