How Safe Is Bungee Jumping? (Bungee Jumping Safety Guide)

Few extreme sports are as thrilling-yet-accessible as bungee jumping. It isn’t quite as intimidating as skydiving and paragliding, but it’s too extreme for many people. So, how safe is bungee jumping?

Bungee jumping is one of the safest extreme sports, and there is only 1 death for every 500,000 jumps. There have been 23 bungee jumping deaths in the last 20 years in the United States. It is safer than skydiving and while bungee jumping can be scary, it is considered safe for healthy seniors and children over 12 years old.

Carefully research your bungee jumping location and listen to your instructors. This will prepare you for a safe jump that you will remember for years to come. Follow along as we explore the safety of bungee jumping and highlight what you need to consider before your jump.

Is Bungee Jumping Dangerous?

Bungee jumping is not considered dangerous and the fatality rate is quite low. Recent National Center for Health Statistics reports indicate that there is only approximately 1 death per 500,000 jumps. According to the American Council on Science and Health, you are more likely to die while hiking in the mountains, biking, or skydiving than bungee jumping.

Is Bungee Jumping Scary?

The sensation of bungee jumping can be scary as you drop at first, but that quickly goes away. You will feel safe and secure once the cord catches at the bottom of the drop. Personally, the rebound, once you bounce after the initial fall, is the most fun and least scary part of the experience.

Bungee jumping is even less scary if you pay attention to your guides and research the location. With that said, bungee jumping locations vary as far as height and surroundings go. It is a good idea to start with a shorter bungee jump in a location you are comfortable with if you are scared.

What Does Bungee Jumping Feel Like?

At first, bungee jumping simply feels like you are falling. Your stomach may drop while falling, but that doesn’t happen to everyone. The fall only lasts for a few seconds and then you will feel a distinct bounce.

This happens when you reach the bottom of the fall and the cord launches you back into the air. The rebound feeling is similar to a trampoline. It will slowly become less intense as you lose momentum, and you’ll eventually stop bouncing.

Does Bungee Jumping Feel Like a Roller Coaster?

Bungee jumping doesn’t feel like a roller coaster in my experience. The only similarity is the initial stomach drop sensation that happens when you first fall. Other than that, bungee jumping is more mellow than roller coasters since you don’t get thrashed around.

Does Bungee Jumping Hurt?

It can hurt when you go bungee jumping, but it depends on the location, height, and physical condition. The initial drop and bounce can cause back and neck for many people, especially with existing pains. Never jerk your neck while bungee jumping or you are more likely to get hurt.

Is Bungee Jumping Safer than Skydiving?

bungee jumping vs skydiving

Bungee jumping is slightly safer than skydiving. There is roughly 1 death for every 400,000 skydives, and 1 death for every 500,000 bungee jumps. Both activities are relatively safe and minor injuries are more common than fatalities. Bungee jumping is also less scary than skydiving for many people, especially beginners because it is a shorter experience.

Is Bungee Jumping Safer than Ziplining?

bungee vs zipline

Ziplining and bungee jumping are just as safe as one another. There are 3,600 ziplining injuries per year, but only 12% result in hospitalization. The United States has seen 23 bungee jumping deaths in 20 years, and 10 ziplining deaths in a decade.

Is Bungee Jumping Safe for Your Back?

Back injuries are among the most common bungee jumping accidents. Bungee jumping can put a major strain on your back if you already have back problems. Compression fractures are the most common bungee jumping back injuries. This occurs when the bungee cord pulls you up for the rebound. Keep good posture to avoid this and don’t go bungee jumping if you have existing back pain.

Is Bungee Jumping Safe for Children?

Bungee jumping is relatively safe for children, but only if they are 12 years old or older. Children need to pay attention to the instructor so that they are prepared for their jumps. Kids are also more likely to mess with their gear which can be quite dangerous. It’s worth explaining the risks and importance of caution to your children before they go bungee jumping.

Read our detailed guide “How Old Do You Have to Be to Bungee Jump” to learn more.

Is Bungee Jumping Safe for Seniors?

Seniors can safely go bungee jumping. However, seniors shouldn’t go bungee jumping if they have back or neck problems. They may be more prone to injuries depending on their age and physical condition. You may also need to hike to your bungee jumping location depending on where it is which can be challenging for some seniors.

Seniors should consult a physician before bungee jumping if they are worried about existing health conditions. This is especially true for seniors with high blood pressure and heart conditions which can make bungee jumping more dangerous. Most bungee jumping tour guides and operators recommend against bungee jumping with a heart condition.

Bungee Jumping Safety Tips to Follow:

Plan Your Bungee Jump

Prepare for the experience as much as you can before bungee jumping. It’s important to be familiar with the location and the height that you will be jumping from. This will give you an idea of what to expect from the experience and what the operator expects of you. Make sure to show up on time and familiarize yourself with their rules so that you are ready to jump.

Wear Appropriate Bungee Jumping Apparel

Safety and comfort ultimately dictate the perfect bungee jumping apparel for you. Most bungee jumping locations recommend that you wear a t-shirt and pants, and that’s the best option in my experience. You can wear shorts, but you should never wear a dress or skirt. Shoes are optional, so it’s a matter of whether or not you prefer to jump barefoot.

Read our “What To Wear Bungee Jumping” ultimate guide to learn all you need to know!

Know How the Gear Works

It’s difficult to feel safe when bungee jumping unless you know how the gear works. This will ensure that your gear is properly set up and will give you peace of mind. Your guide should have a great understanding of the equipment, but you can further ensure your safety if you are familiar with it.

Leave your gear alone once it is set up. The last thing that you want to do is compromise your harness because you play with it once it’s secure. Don’t be afraid to ask your guide questions if you have concerns with your gear.

Always Tie Up Your Long Hair!

Tie up your hair when bungee jumping if it is long for safety and comfort. Long hair can get stuck in the ropes which is the worst-case scenario and can be quite dangerous. Your hair can also hit your face as you plummet which is uncomfortable and can obscure your view.

Ideally, you should put your hair in a bun so that there is no chance it will get caught in the ropes or harness. Otherwise, you can put your hair in a ponytail and tuck it into your shirt so that it isn’t in the way.

Show Up Feeling Good

It’s important to be in the right state of mind and body when bungee jumping. Never consume drugs or alcohol before bungee jumping as this can ruin the experience. You should never go bungee jumping while hungover. Wait until you’ve healed an injury or are in a great state of mind before you go bungee jumping so that you get the most out of the experience.

Know the Weight Restrictions of the Location

Check the weight restrictions for your bungee jumping location before you book your jump. Each location varies, but many of them have a 265-pound weight restriction. Never go bungee jumping if you exceed the weight limit because it can be dangerous and the gear may not be suitable.

Read our full guide “What Is the Weight Limit for Bungee Jumping?” to learn all about weight limits and restrictions for bungee jumping.

Listen to Your Tour Guides/Instructors

Pay attention to your tour guide and or instructors because they will prepare you for their jump. They will provide key safety information and make you feel comfortable with the gear. This is the best way to overcome pre-jump anxiety and have a safe experience.

Final Thoughts – Is Bungee Jumping Worth it?

Bungee jumping is worth it because it is a low-risk activity. With a 1 death per 500,000 bungee jumps it is considered a safe activity. The United States has seen 23 bungee jumping deaths in the last 20 years. Back and neck injuries can occur when the cord pulls you back up, so it’s important to keep good form.

Children under the age of 12 cannot go bungee jumping. Bungee jumping is safe for seniors, but it can be dangerous if they have existing neck and back problems. Pay attention to your instructors and adhere to the weight restrictions so that your bungee jumping trip is as safe as possible. Never go bungee jumping if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure unless you consult a doctor in advance.

Read our related post “10 People Who Should NOT Do Bungee Jumping” here.

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