How Old Do You Have to Be to Paraglide? (By Country)

You will notice that most companies will tell you that ‘anyone is welcome to paraglide,’ as it should be experienced by everyone at least once in their lifetime. It’s a given that there must be some weight restrictions, but how about age? How old do you need to be to paraglide?

In the United States, you must be 18 to paraglide alone but there is no set age requirement as a tandem paraglider. However, in other countries, they do have age limitations. In India, you must be between 14 and 65; in Greece, 7 to 60; and in Australia, 14 to 100. Each country sets its own paragliding age restrictions. 

Now that you know paragliding has a bit of an age limit depending on where you paraglide, let’s pick this topic apart some more, so it’s easier to understand.

How Old Do You Have to Be to Paraglide Alone?

You must be at least 18 years or older to paraglide alone. Anyone seeking a solo flight will need to go through training and apply for their license.

Some states require individuals to be 14 to start training, and 16 to apply for their solo license. Make sure you check with your state’s requirements if you are interested.

What’s the Minimum Age to Paraglide Tandem?

There is no minimum age to take a tandem paraglide ride, as anyone under 18 has their parent or guardian sign the waiver.

There have been children as young as one who have paraglided and adults over 100 years old! It just depends on the individual’s physical condition.

Is there a Weight Requirement to Go Paragliding?

Yes, there is a weight requirement when paragliding, as weight entirely affects the safety aspect and whether the glider has a good amount of control.

For a tandem ride, you should weigh no more than 242 to 264 pounds, depending on the equipment and the weather. This means the maximum limit for the paraglide together will be between 485 and 529 pounds.

Are Age and Weight Restrictions for Paragliding Different Around the World?

The age and weight restrictions for paragliding differ depending on what country you are paragliding in. Below we put together a chart that shows the age range and weight of different countries:

Minimum Age Required to Paraglide in Different Countries

Country Age Limits Weight Limits Additional Criteria
Australia 14 – 100+ 240 lbs or 110 kgs Under 17 needs a waiver signed by parent
Bulgaria 4 – 72 264 lbs Subject to certain weight and height requirements
Brazil 14 – 100+ 110 – 240 lbs Must be 16 to become as a pilot. Local clubs have their own rules.
Canada 1 – 100+ 265 lbs Must be 16 to become a pilot + Medical Cert Category 4.
China 1-100+ 20 – 105 kgs or 44 to 231 lbs No height limit but weight limit applies. Under 18 needs consent.
Cyprus 14 – 100+ 230 lbs Must know how to swim
Colombia 1 – 100+ 240 lbs or 110 kgs No lung, heart, back, seizure or fainting conditions. No heavy medication.
France 4 – 100+ Males 210 / Females 175 Wind checks are required for children flights.
Greece 7 – 60 240 lbs or 110 kgs No history of heart conditions.
Hungary 5 – 100+ 55 – 265 lbs Handicap accessible flights available.
Ireland 4 – 100+ 330 lbs Minors need consent
India 14 – 65 15 – 115 kgs or 33 to 253 lbs As of 2018 updated aero sports policy sets age limit. 
Japan 1 – 100+ 45 – 240 lbs Minors need consent
Mexico 1 – 100+ 45 – 242 lbs Minors need consent
Malta 6 – 100+ 220.46 lbs or 100 kgs Minors need consent
Poland 4 – 100+ 55 – 300 lbs Minors need consent
Switzerland 1 – 100+ 220.46 lbs or 100 kgs Minors need consent
Scotland 12 – 100+ 220.46 lbs or 100 kgs Must have a decent fitness level.
South Africa 1 – 100+ 300 lbs Recommended minimum age is 3
United States 1 – 100+ 300lbs + 18 to paraglide alone in the US. Wind can determine weight limits. 


What Should You Consider Before You Paraglide?

You should consider several things before you paraglide, such as your physical, mental, and general health.

Paragliding includes different physical tasks, such as:

  • Walking uphill carrying a backpack
  • Running while holding your gear
  • Jumping and sprinting

Children are usually exempt from this aspect as they are easily carried and do not need to participate in the climb or the run if they are under the age of 5.

However, children over six and under 14 will need to be able to handle the uphill hike, as well as the running and jumping.

Elderly adults may be able to find a wheelchair-friendly venue to paraglide. These locations usually have a paved wheelchair ramp that allows them to make it to the top. The instructor will then run and push the wheelchair for launch.

Are There Age Requirements in the United States for Paragliding?

As of the time of writing, there is no age limit for paragliding in the United States. Everyone from babies to older adults is welcome. However, anyone wanting to paraglide must be in good physical condition.

Anyone with these conditions is not able to fly:

  • Heart problems
  • Over the weight limit
  • Severe asthma or COPD
  • Pregnancy

Should Kids Go Paragliding?

Kids are more than welcome to go paragliding! They will fly in tandem with a professional instructor who will steer and land for them.

Can Seniors Go Paragliding?

Yes, seniors can go paragliding too! Seniors should be aware of any heart and lung issues. It is best if they visit a doctor when in doubt to get medical clearance, as this is something that certain businesses ask for.

Should You Go Paragliding if You Are Scared of Heights?

Paragliding can be scary to those with an extreme fear of heights, but as long as the person is in good health, that’s okay!

Since paragliding feels like floating, you don’t get the dropping feeling in your stomach. It’s a very smooth ride. Unless, of course, your instructor is doing tricks. However, you have to let them know you’re scared and want a calm experience.

What is the Process to Paraglide Alone?

To paraglide alone, you will need to go through a 10 to 15-day training. However, this can take longer depending on how much effort you put into the course.

Below are the steps that one would have to take to meet the requirements to fly solo:

  1. Book a tandem flight. First, you want the experience, so book a tandem flight with someone to make sure this is what you want to continue pursuing.
  2. Enroll in a paragliding course. The course you enroll in should be reputable, and you should be working with a licensed instructor. They can help you decide which gear to get for your safety and help you to increase your paragliding skills.
  3. Show up. For training, you will work with smaller jumps to practice takeoff methods, ground handling, and steering. You will continue this phase until it becomes second hand nature to you.
  4. You will embark on an actual flight. Once your instructor thinks you’re up for it, you will embark on your first solo flight to practice everything you learned.
  5. Apply for certification. Once you apply and become certified, you can paraglide anywhere you want. Just make sure that the area is not a no-flying zone. You can also pair up with others or fly in tandem with your friends and family, if you have the right gear.

Final Thoughts

Paragliding within the USA has no age limit, but that does not mean that other countries follow the same policies set in place by the United States.

It’s best to call any venue you plan to fly with beforehand, to make sure that you are within the age and weight limits. It also doesn’t hurt to check for any other requirements they may have to ensure you have the best flight possible!

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