Can You Wear a Hoodie Skydiving?

It can be difficult to choose the right outfit to wear while skydiving. Many novice skydivers struggle with what to wear that will keep them warm and comfortable without sacrificing safety. So, can you wear a hoodie skydiving?

You can wear a hoodie skydiving, but it’s not safe because the hood and sleeves can inflate. The hood can get tangled with your parachute in extreme cases and if tandem jumping it can block your tandem partner’s vision. Hoodie sleeves if baggy can make it difficult to release the parachute and can block your altimeter.

Consider wearing a tight hoodie if you are set on wearing one so that it is less likely to inflate. Remove the drawstrings so that you won’t choke on them. Follow along as we explore the risks associated with wearing a hoodie skydiving.

Are Hoodies Considered a Hazard for Skydiving?

Hoodies are considered a skydiving hazard. They are often baggy, complicating parachute deployment and making it harder for our tandem partner to see. Many skydiving services discourage clients from wearing a hoodie while skydiving, and some simply won’t let you wear them.

What Can a Hoodie Cause When Skydiving?

Your hoodie may inflate with air when skydiving, making your experience uncomfortable and even dangerous. Everything from the sleeves and hood to the drawstrings can become a hazard. Baggy hoodie sleeves can even cover the altimeter, making it difficult to tell which altitude you are at.

The hood can also get stuck in the reserve or risers which will throw off your balance. This can also make it harder for you to deploy your parachute in some cases, especially if the hoodie is baggy. An inflated hood can also obscure your tandem partner’s vision. The worst-case scenario is that your hoodie will get tangled with the parachute.

Are Hoodie Drawstrings A Hazard for Skydiving?

A hoodie’s drawstrings can create a choking hazard when skydiving. This doesn’t necessarily happen every time, but it is possible if your drawstrings are long and unsecured. Ideally, you should remove the drawstrings before skydiving if you still plan to wear a hoodie.

Can Baggy Sleeves Be A Hazard for Skydiving?

Baggy sleeves can make it difficult to pull and release your parachute. They can also cover your altimeter which is dangerous because you may not know when it’s safe to jump or pull the chute. It’s important to wear a shirt where the sleeves stop at or before the wrist. Choose tight over baggy when skydiving so that you don’t restrict your hands and vision.

Can You Stick the Hood Inside Your Jumpsuit?

You can stick the hood inside your jumpsuit to reduce the hazards associated with a hoodie. This is useful if you go tandem skydiving, and your partner will thank you for it later. You will still get the warmth from the hoodie without having to worry about the hood inflating.

Is it Against the Law to Wear a Hoodie Skydiving?

It isn’t against the law to wear a hoodie skydiving, but it is inadvisable. Besides the extra warmth, there are no benefits to wearing a hoodie while skydiving. It’s not worth the vision, parachute, altimeter, and choking hazard, but you won’t risk a penalty.

You should read our full guide on what to wear skydiving here. 

Final Thoughts

You can wear a hoodie while skydiving, but it isn’t recommended. The sleeves can cover your altimeter and make it harder to release your parachute. Hoods can easily inflate, get stuck in the parachute, or block your tandem partner’s line of vision. Tuck your hood into your jumpsuit to reduce the risks if you decide to wear a hoodie.

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